VIEW Long Face Surgery
Reducing the length of
the developed long face to the ideal ratio!
Reducing the length of
the developed long face to the ideal ratio!
2 Hours
General Anesthesia
2 Days
2 Weeks or
dissolvable thread
2 Weeks
VIEW is trustable!
17 Years
Zero Medical Accident
Medical Asia 2018
“Grand Award”
Facial Contouring Category
Medical Korea 2021
Minister of Health and Welfare Award
19 floors
VIEW Building
at Sinnonhyeon
There are cases where the length of the face is simply long, but there are also
cases where the mouth cannot be completely closed due to malocclusion or the gums
are severely visible when smiling.
Long face surgery is a surgery that comprehensively considers these symptoms and improves them.
We proceed with VIEW long face surgery premium system for high-quality result.
VIEW Long Face Features
Long Face Surgery Face
There are many different types of long faces. There are cases where the lower jaw is long, the upper and lower jaws are both long, and sometimes they have a protruding jaw or a protruding mouth.
View comprehensively analyzes the type of long face, symptom level, and tooth occlusion, and plastic surgeons and dentists establish a customized surgery plan based on detailed examination data.
Chin Tip Surgery
Lower jaw is partially long
Correction by cutting the tip of the chin and moving it backwards or upwards
Double Jaw Surgery
Upper and lower jaws are long and there is malocclusion
Correction so that bones do not move by osteotomy of both the upper and lower jaws and moving them
** The exact treatment plan can be known after a diagnosis by specialist doctor.
Reduce the length of the upper and lower jaw bones in consideration of the overall features
Move the shortened upper and lower jaw upwards
Firmly fixed to seat securely in the moved position
See Long Face Surgery Process
Premium Double Jaw Care System
At View Plastic Surgery Clinic, dedicated management department
performs progress check and premium aftercare according to the
individual recovery speed for faster recovery and more satisfactory results
after contour surgery.
1Medication Prescription / GarglePain relief and minimal inflammation
2Swelling Injection Promote blood circulation and relieve edema
3Dead-skin ExfoliationRemoves skin waste and prepares skin texture
4Omega Light LaserBruising, pain reduction, skin regeneration effect
5RF High Frequency / Ultrasound Treatment Improve blood circulation and collagen production, reduce swelling
VIEW Surgery Process
Systematic Consultation
Identify the face shape desired by the customer and improvement points through sufficient consultation
Face Shape Analysis
Check the scope of improvement by analyzing customer data such as facial photos, X-rays, and CT in various ways
Design and Surgery Plan
Design will be made based on the consultation contents and patient analysis data
Safe Surgery
Creating a safe operating environment through collaboration between plastic surgeons and anesthesiologists
3 days after
Disinfection, progress check and shampoo service
1 week after
Skin exfoliation
APL treatment
2 weeks after
Suture removal
RF radio frequency or ultrasound treatment
1~6 months after
Periodic progress check
(CT + X-ray)
Long Face Surgery FAQ
Is it possible to reduce the length of the face with facial contouring surgery only?
Facial contouring cannot reduce the length of the face. The proportions of the overall face may not match and the face may look awkward, if only cutting of the protruding chin.
When can I return to my daily life after jaw correction surgery?
On average, 3 to 4 weeks after surgery, daily activities such as going to work that do not consume a lot of physical strength are possible. After the operation, after 8 to 12 hours, simple indoor movements are possible, and the progress will be checked up to 2 weeks after the operation and wounds and edema will be managed.
View Plastic Surgery's medical technology,
professional medical staff,
and safety systems are recognized worldwide
Clients from all over the world visit View Plastic Surgery.
There may be complications such as bleeding, infection, and inflammation after surgery. Subjective satisfaction may vary between individuals.
Address: 107, Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea (201-14 Nonhyeon-dong)
Tel : +82-2-539-1177 | Fax : 02-539-1132
Business Name : View Plastic Surgery | CEO : Choi Soon Woo | License No. : 220-08-86777
ⓒ Copyright COPYRIGHT©2017 View Plastic Surgery. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.