Participating in Dramatic Make Over ‘Let Me In’

Beautifully VIEWed from any angle

Eye Surgery

korea eye surgery
korea eye surgery

Participating in Dramatic Make Over ‘Let Me In’

Beautifully VIEWed from any angle

Eye Surgery


Results of surgery may vary depending on the individual,
and there may be side effects such as hemorrhaging, inflammation, etc.


It fits each person’s image

1:1 Custom Eye Surgery System

The length

The double eyelid line

The skin condition

The size

The facial shape

Personal Preference

View delivers the result of eyes best fitting your overall face through the
most suitable method for each person, taking into account the different
eye shapes, proportions, and skin conditions etc. of each person.

This is an image model with the usage agreement
for one’s portrait submitted(not necessarily
related to this specific surgery)
You may be held legally liable for the unauthorized use and distribution of the images.

Confident with all eye shapes

Various spectrums of double eyelid lines



The most common
and natural
double eyelid
line seen in Asians



Midway between
the inline and
the outline, in which
the line widens
towards the back.



A higher starting point
than the in-out line
and lower than the
outline, for a natural
yet glamorous look.



A line that starts from
the outside of
Mongolian folds,
giving a bright
and open look

To become more beautiful

Tips for Eye Surgery Tips for Eye Surgery at View Plastic Surgery

model model

Custom design after in-depth

After in-depth Consultation we design a line that suits your image

Short operation time

The short surgical duration results in minimal bruising and swelling, allowing for a quicker recovery

Natural Results

We create a natural and beautiful face that suits your image

Minimizing the Scar

We minimize tissue damage to ensure that surgical marks and scars are not prominently visible

Fast Recovery

Minimal swelling and personalized aftercare to aid in a speedy recovery

Best of double eyelid line


Glamorous lines

We enhance the eyes with subtle lines, giving them a
three-dimensional effect for a glamorous look


Natural lines

A natural eye contour achieved with a well-balanced line
of the appropriate thickness, creating a harmonious look


Foxy eyes

Enchanting eye shape that tilts upward towards the
outer corner of the eye, emphasizing the most
captivating feature of the eye

At ‘View’ we always strive to create the ideal eye shape,
considering individual preferences and the current eye condition,
to achieve the best possible outcome.

Better surgery with double eyelids


canthoplasty surgery

Seeking the perfect
size for your brighter eyes

GO >

Ptosis correction surgery

Addressing the root
cause of tired-looking eyes

GO >


Complete a harmonious face with
a nose shape that matches your eyes

GO >

Eye surgery that brings back youthful looks


revision eye surgery

The final surgery to
correct an awkward line

GO >

Middle age eye
plastic surgery

droopy eyelids and wrinkles,
turning back 10 years

GO >

under eye fat

Reviving dull

GO >

Premium EYE After Care

View Plastic Surgery provides high-quality systematic
premium services that are uniquely View.

On the Day
of Surgery

Self-care kit and swelling relief care is provided

One week
after surgery

Surgical site check, dressing and suture removal

two week
after surgery

Follow-up with the doctor

One month
after surgery

Follow-up with the doctor

Dewelling treatment

Provide self-care kits and products that help deswelling

Dedicated Treatment

Tailored Treatment according to each individual’s recovery pace

Attending physician's progress check

The attending physician checks the surgery progress and recovery process

* The Schedule may change depending on the individual’s condition.

The ‘View’ Safety-First System

Crafted with Years of Expertise

1:1 Dedicated Anesthesia Care

1:1 Dedicated
Anesthesia Care

• Five Resident Anesthesiologists
and Specialists


• 1:1 Anesthesia Design

Availability of Dantrolene sodium

Availability of
Dantrolene sodium

• Fever Reducing Medication


• Capability to Handle
Emergency Situations

Implementation of Surgical Accountability System

Implementation of Surgical
Accountability System

• From Consultation to Post-Surgery,
Dedicated Physician-Led Care

In-House Inpatient Ward Management

Inpatient Facilities

• In-House Inpatient Ward


• 24/7 Resident Nurses

Post-Surgery Patient Condition Monitoring

Doctor’s one-on-one round

• A round of doctors


• Post-Surgery Patient Condition Monitoring

Customized Care with On-Site Specialized Nursing Staff

365 Day On-Site
Nursing Staff

• Customized care with on-site nurses.

The ‘View’ Safety-First System

Crafted with Years of Expertise


VIEWtitul everyday

Real Selfie

*This image photographed and piblised with the patient’s consent



B4 Floor to 15 Floor Medical System

View Plastic Surgery operates its own 19th floors
building on each floor.
It's specialized system optimized for consulting,
examination, surgery, and recovery.
 “View” considers safety and always do our best.
With General Hospital Grade Safety Equipment,
We offer satisfying medical services to our customers.



View Plastic Surgery's medical technology,
professional medical staff,
and safety systems are recognized worldwide
Clients from all over the world visit View Plastic Surgery.

flag map


View Plastic Surgery's medical technology,
professional medical staff,
and safety systems are recognized worldwide
Clients from all over the world visit View Plastic Surgery.
